
Xiaopan 6.4.1 tutorial
Xiaopan 6.4.1 tutorial


> (get-triples-list :p !ex:owns :db (ground-triple-store *db*)) We can also accomplish the same thing by using the reasoning-triple-store's ground-triple-store: > (get-triples-list :p !ex:owns :db ground-ts) If we ask for the triples from ground-ts, that is what we will get. Note that we can specify which triple-store to query using the :db argument. One ground triple and one that has been inferred. Now if we make the same call to get-triples-list, we get two results back. The return value of the call makes it clear what has happened. If called with no additional parameters, this will encapsulate the current triple-store (i.e., *db*) with a reasoning-triple-store whose reasoner is of type rdfs++-reasoner. If we want to use AllegroGraph's RDFS++ reasoner, we call apply-rdfs++-reasoner. If we ask for all of the triples whose predicate is !ex:owns, we get back the single ground triple. We'll make sure that the triples are in there and use enable-print-decoded so that the rest of this example is easier to read: > (print-triples *db* :format :concise) > (add-triple !ex:jans !owl:sameAs !ex:jannes) > (add-triple !ex:jans !ex:owns !ex:birra) > (defparameter ground-ts (create-triple-store "sample")) For example, suppose we create a triple-store and add two triples (if you not familiar with the !-notation, see the section of the reference-guide on future-parts): make sure the !-reader is on You use the RDFS++ reasoner by calling apply-rdfs++-reasoner on a regular triple-store. If there are particular inferences that are important to you and AllegroGraph is not making them, please let us know so that we can work together to reach a solution. Note that for efficiency's sake, our RDFS++ reasoner will not make every possible inference given a triple-store's ground triples.ġ We are constantly improving our inference algorithms and will continue to extend the reasoner's reach. We will continue to enhance the reasoner as AllegroGraph develops.īefore you look up the semantics of these predicates in the W3C documentation you may want to first examine the examples in the tutorial below. You should expect fast answers for queries whose predicate is specified but you will not see good performance for more open-ended calls to get-triples. Note that the reasoner is designed to efficiently answer questions like "What are properties of this subject?" or "Tell me all the subjects that have this type?" It is not designed for efficiently determining all of the inferred triples in a store (e.g., "Tell me everything you know?"). Its use is covered in a separate tutorial. We also support owl:hasValue, owl:someValuesFrom and owl:allValuesFrom reasoning. We support the following RDFS and OWL predicates: The program is in the 'tutorial-files' sub-directory of the AllegroGraph installation directory. You may want to open this in your Lisp development environment and follow along by evaluating its forms as you go. The Lisp program 'reasoner-tutorial.cl' contains all of the illustrative examples below. You can load this file in a buffer and start executing its forms from top to bottom.


This tutorial is written for people who know how to get around in the IDE or in Emacs. See the Quick Start if you need more information on getting started. You can find examples of using the reasoner in the other tutorials as well.


The reasoner supports a subset of the full RDFS and OWL constructs (see below). Before we begin the tutorial there are few things to keep in mind.

Xiaopan 6.4.1 tutorial